Why Choose Us ?

Planning, Organizing, and Staging a Successful Exhibition participation requires industry’s knowledge, experience. We are glad that more than 30 years of intensive experience in the field enables us to realize customer’s requirements and expectations, access to the global know-how, have possibility of working with expert human resources and use modern technical facilities. By studying your business and its nature we will choose the best market for your business development and register you in the best related exhibition to participate in. We can arrange everything for you, some of our other services would be stand construction, accommodation, transfer, B2B meeting arrangements and any other exhibition services that our clients wish to get from us.

We Help Our Clients to build the best stand

Working in stand construction sector for over 40 years and having over 10 factories in the region and being in touch with over 40 different stand construction companies around the world has helped us get the best quality stands with minimum possible prices.

Upcoming Events

Contact Details:
Tell: 0090 216 395 2116, 0090 534 073 4233
Email: [email protected]
Address: Postane Mah. Tuzla/İstanbul. Tahaffuzhane Cad. No:68

Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00

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